
Alasmart - Digital Product Download Marketplace Laravel Script (Mobile App Included)

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Alasmart is a complete solution for Multi Vendor Digital Product Marketplace which provides Premium Features to make Online Business.You can selling your items an online store to suitable marketplace. Suitable selling items are scripts, themes, plugins, print, graphics, mobile app, software, audio files, videos, music, digital art, templates, photos etc. We provide to help of details documentation it will take few minutes to quick installation.

This system was made using the popular Laravel PHP framework. Strong security was maintained during the development and there is no SQL injection, XSS attack, CSRF attack possible.

Alasmart has the following features.

Key Features

Payment Methods

Admin Features

User Features

Seller Features

You will need to make sure your local server need the following requirements:

Note: Make sure your local PC Fullfill all the REQUIREMENT or Installed in your computer.

Installing Laravel and Setting Up the Local Host

1. Download or clone your Laravel script from codecanyon on your local machine. The installation of this script is super easy. If you can install normal php based scripts on your local host, you can install our script. We will tell you how to install this script step by step on a localhost.

If you extract the zip file, you will see that there are total three folders.

The folder names are: sql, documentation and main_files. The "main_files" folder is the main laravel source codes. The "sql" folder contains the main database file "database.sql"

2. To create database on localhost go to your localhost phpmyadmin http://localhost/phpmyadmin/index.php and now click 'New'

3. Now go to the folders that you got after extracting the main zip.

4. Inside the "mail_files" you can see 2folders (main_files, all_version). The "main_files" folder is the main laravel source codes. The "all_version" folder will be use for version update.

5. Now go to "xampp >> htdocs" and create new folder. Inside the folder paste your "main_files"(laravel source code) folder content.

6. Now open the .env file and update with your database credentials and other settings as needed.

7. Now open your web browser and visit the local URL to access your Laravel application (by default, http://localhost).

The installation of this script is super easy. If you can install normal php based scripts on your server, you can install our script. We will tell you how to install this script step by step on a server.

If you extract the zip file, you will see that there are total three folders.

The folder names are: sql, documentation and main_files. The "main_files >> main_files" folder is the main laravel source codes. The "sql" folder contains the main database file "database.sql"

Creating Database using Cpanel

1. Login to your hosting's cpanel using the login information. You will see an interface like this:

2. You will get a search section in the cpanel. Search there by writing the word "database". You will get some options. Click on "MySQL® Database Wizard" option.

3. Then in Step 1, you will have to create a database. In the text field, give your database name and click on next step.

4. Then in Step 2, you will have to create a database user. Give your username and passwords here. Then click on "Create User" button.

5. Now a permission page will come. Just check the tick mark on "ALL PRIVILEGES" and you will see all the options will be automatically checked.

6. Click on the "Next Step" button in the bottom.

7. Database and user creation step is done. Now go back to home and again search like before with the word "phpmyadmin". Click on the "phpMyAdmin" option.

8. Now the main phpmyadmin page will come. Click on the newly created database "websolu1_testdb" from the left side.

9. Click on the "Import" option from top and then select the file "database.sql" that is in the "sql" folder of the script.

10. Then click on the "Go" button from bottom.

11. After the task is successful, you will get a success message.

12. All task related to database is done.

Uploading Files using Cpanel

1. In the search field of your cpanel, write the word "file". You will get a "File Manager" option. Click on that option.

2. Search for the "public_html" and go into there.

3. Now go to the folders that you got after extracting the main zip and compress the folder "main_files" using any software like winrar.

4. The zip file will be like this.

5. In the cpanel's "public_html", upload this zip file.

6. You will get an interface like this.

7. Drag and drop the zip file here or just click on the "Select File" and select the file from your computer. You will see a progress of uploading file. Wait until it is finished.

8. After finishing the upload, you will see a green bar. It indicates that upload is successful.

9. Now close the upload window. In the public_html section, press on "Go" button to refresh the page. Then you will see the zip file in the right side.

10. Do right click on that file and select "Extract" option.

11. Press on "Extract Files" button.

12. It will take only a few minutes. After finish, you will get a window like this.

13. Just close this window. Then double click on the "main_files" folder and go into there.

14. Now click on the "Select All" from top section.

15. Click on the "Move" option.

16. Delete the "main_files" from the box. Only keep this "/public_html/". Then click on "Move Files".

17. Now, click on "Up One Level".

18. Right click on ".env" file and click on "Edit".

19. Now edit this file and put the app_name, app_url, database_name, database_username and database_password you created previously here. Then click on the "Save Changes" button.

Your task is done and you can use our script without any problem. :)

Uploading Files using FTP

1. Download any FTP client on your computer like "FileZilla". Search on Google by "FileZilla" or go to their website to download:

2. Use the first option to download

3. After download, install it and open. The interface will be like this:

4. You can collect your FTP information contacting your hosting provider. Or, going to cpanel, you can create your FTP. In cpanel, search for "FTP".

5. Put ftp username, password in the form. Become sure, you delete the marked box data in the following image.

6. Click on "Create FTP Account" button.

7. Your FTP information will be like this:
FTP Host: {your hosting provider will give you host name}
FTP Port: 21
FTP Username:
FTP Password: {that you gave while creating the FTP}

8. Now in filezilla put those information and click on "Quickconnect" button.

9. If connection is successful, you will get an interface like this:

10. Now in the left side box, go to the location where you have extracted the script's file. And in the right side, go to public_html.

11. Then right click on the "main_files" from left side box and click on "Upload". All the files then will be uploaded into the "public_html" of the right side.

12. Search the ".env" file, right click on it and click on "View/Edit" option.

13. You will see an interface like this.

Change the database, username and password from here and try to click on close button. When you will try to close, it will ask you for save before closing. Click on save and you are done!

Before using and run this script, you must have to change the following information.
1. Open the .env file with a text editor and change the database settings
2. First, set up the APP_NAME, APP_URL, database name, database_username and password.

You will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements:

The default credentials of the script are:

Admin Login

Login Email:
Login Password: 1234

User / Seller Login

Login Email:
Login Password: 1234

For the beginning , Admin need to select a theme. Go to Setting >> General Setting. See:

Website General Setting can be set up from the admin panel. In this section admin can be change App name, Default Currency, Timezone, Currency Icon etc. Go to Setting >> General Setting. See:

Logo and favicon can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Setting" from the sidebar. See:

Google Recaptcha can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Setting" from the sidebar. See:

To get your recaptcha keys, go to this link:
Select version 2.

Add your website's domain name or subdomain name here and after submit you will get a site key and secret key.

Blog comment can be set up from the admin panel. In this system facebook comment and manual comment available. Admin can be select which comment will be visible in the frontend. Go to "Setting" from the sidebar. See:

No need to facebook app id for manual comment. But before setup facebook comment, admin need to create facebook app id. To get your facebook app id. go to this link :

Tawk Live Chat can be set up from the admin panel. Admin can be enable and disable live chat option. Go to "Setting" from sidebar. See:

To get your tawk live chat link . goto this link add your website's domain name or subdomain name here and after submit you will get a tawk live chat link.

Google Analytic can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Setting" from sidebar. See:

Custom Pagination can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Setting" from sidebar. See:

Social Login credential can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Setting" from sidebar. See:

To get google credentials. go to this link and create a new app :

Facebook pixel credential can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Setting" from sidebar. See:

To get your facebook app id. Go to this link and create a new app:

SMTP Email can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Emai configuration > Setting". See:

Email template can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Emai configuration > email template". See:

Payment Method can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Payment Method" from sidebar. See:

To get your paypal client id and secret id, goto and create a new app and show app details See:

To get your razorpay credentails, goto

To get your flutterwave credentails, goto

To get your mollie credentails, goto

To get your paystack credentails, goto

To get your instamojo credentails, goto

Clear Database setting can be manage from the admin panel. Go to "Clear database" from sidebar. If you want to use the software from scratch, you have to select this option. You do not need to remove the existing data one by one. See:

In this system we provide unlimited multi language feature. Admin can create unlimited language and he can translate everything word by word. When admin create something new one, we store all thing as a default language in database. In the mean time we also assign similar content for other language during create new one. In the edit page admin can translate the content language wise. For create a new language go to "Language >> Languages" from sidebar. See:

Admin can be change home page each section header and description. What is header and description ? Please See:

How can admin change ? Go to All Section >> Section Content. Also admin can transalte any language from here. See:

In this system there are multiple sections available on the homepage. Admin can handle which sections are visible and disable. Also manage how many item shown each section. For handle this please go to All Section >> Section Control. See:

SEO setting can be setup from the admin panel. Go to "Manage website >> SEO setup" from sidebar. See:

Contact Message can be manage from the admin panel. Contact message save in database enable or disable system available here. Go to "Contact Message" from sidebar. See:

Subscription email can be manage and send mail from the admin panel. Go to "Subscribers".See:

Before add product admin need to create a category. For create a category go to "Categories" from sidebar.See:

Before create product admin need to select product type. There are 4types of product available. Script or theme, video, audio and image. To create new product go to "Manage product >> Create Product". See..

Admin can be setup license condtion. To setup this information go to "Manage product >> Package Content". See..

Withdraw Method can be setup from the admin panel. Go to "Withdraw Payment >> Withdraw method" from sidebar. See:

Seller withdraw can be manage from the admin panel. Go to "Withdraw Payment >> Seller withdraw" from sidebar. See:

User can be manage from the admin panel. Go to "Users >> Customer List" from sidebar. See:

Seller can be manage from the admin panel. Go to "Sellers >> Seller List" from sidebar. See:

Website maintenance mode can be manage from the admin panel. Go to "Manage website >> Maintenance mode" from sidebar. See:

Default avatar can be manage from the admin panel. Go to "Manage website >> Default avatar" from sidebar. See:

The main Admin can add more admins into the system. Other admins can not delete the main admin. But the main admin can delete other created admins in this system. Go to "Admin List" from sidebar. See:

Admin can change personal information and password from topbar. See:

From the top menu, User can click on registration.

Then scroll to bottom and click create account
After click register page will be appear.
Just fill up the form and an email will be sent to user's email. He needs to verify it. After verify he can login to the system.

From the top menu, User can click on Login.

If a User does not confirm his registration, he can not login.

Also login with google available here.

In the login page, there is a link to reset the password if user forgets the existing password.

After login, User will see his dashboard. See:

User can edit his profile from click the edit button. See..

User can edit his password from menubar. See...

User can see his purchase history as a list. Also he can able to download the item. See

User can sale his product. There are 4types of product exist. Before create product user need to select product type. See

If you need any help from us, you can contact via our support email:

Our support will reply within 24-48 hours.

After download the script from codecanyon you can get a zip file. After unzip the file you can total 3 folders. In the 'main_files' folder you can see 2 folder. In the 'main_files' folder there are main laravel script exist. Inside the 'all version' folder you can see version list. See:

For update any version go to the version folder and you can see a "" file. See:

Now goto your server and root project directory. Create e new folder, the name of folder is "update". See:

Inside the 'update' folder you need to upload the "" file. See:

Now extract the zip file. See:

Now go to your "". See:

Now you can see our version wizard. See:

In this page you need to click the update button step by step. After successfully update you can visit your site and enjoy latest version See:

Version 2.0

                - ADDED : Subscription Plan
                - ADDED : Subscription Plan assign by admin
                - ADDED : Commission or SAAS enable/disable
                - ADDED : Service disable when provider will be disable
                - ADDED : User Order Management
                - FIXED : Add to Cart Modification 

Version 1.3

                - ADDED: Mobile User App (Free)
                - Update - Backend API
                - Compatible with Mobile App
                - Database Optimization

Version 1.2

                - ADDED : Ready for Payment Gateway Addon
                - OPITMIZED : Homepage speed 
                - OPITMIZED : Admin Dashboar 
                - OPITMIZED : Css code  
                - OPITMIZED : jQuery code 

Version 1.1.0

                - ADDED: Multi-currency
                - ADDED: Currency conversion 
                - ADDED: Currency position set option 
                - ADDED: Database auto-generate option
                - ADDED: Script version auto-update option
                - FIXED: SslCommerz payment issue 
                - OPTIMIZED : Homepage speed 
                - OPTIMIZED : Product filter 
                - OPTIMIZED : jQuery code  
                - OPTIMIZED : Css code 


Theme Name: Alasmart - Digital Product Download Marketplace Flutter App

Author: QuomodoTheme

Support: Send Email

Author URL:

This Flutter app can be hosted in Google Play Store and Apple App Store as your branded Alasmart - Digital Product Download Marketplace Flutter App.


Flutter version must be: Flutter 2.10.3+ channel stable

Dart version must be: Dart  2.16+


Make sure your flutter and dart versions are correct. Follow the flutter documentation from to install the given version of a flutter on your laptop.

●     Install Android Studio from

●     Extract the You will find this inside the

●     Open the folder in your android studio.

●     Even if you are building an app for ios, use android for the build.

●     Then in your android studio terminal run:

●     You must run flutter pub get from terminal to get all 3rd party libraries.

You must host your website, then go to lib/data/data_provider/remote_utl.dart and change the root URL to your website's root URL.




This is very important. Your app cannot have the same package name as other apps. If it does, the play store will not accept it as a unique application. So rename your app according to your business/brand name. Try to write a unique package name.


You can try this package. see the doc for reference.

In terminal run: flutter build apk


It will build an apk and show the folder. You can then install it on your phone to test or share multiple users for testing. see the doc for reference.


Signing the app:

To publish on the Play Store, you need to give your app a digital signature. Use the following instructions to sign your app.


Go through the screenshots below carefully to understand how to generate a key and use it for the released signed app:




Then copy the key.jks from the root folder and paste it in the android folder.

Create a new file in the android folder. Enter the information.




** If you lose the JKS file, you will not be able to release a new update of your app in the play store.


Note: You may need to run flutter clean after changing the Gradle file. This prevents cached builds from affecting the signing process.


Now you are almost done.

In your terminal run: flutter build appbundle


The release bundle for your app is created at <your app dir>/

Upload this app.aab file to your google play console.


Build For IOS

 Apple doesn’t allow to installation and distribution of apps like an android. To install it on your iOS device or distribute it, you have to deploy it on TestFlight or AppStore. For deployment, you can follow this link:


Note: In case you need any further help or have any confusion, please email us at With an appropriate Subject: Alasmart - Digital Product Download Flutter App


We will surely respond to your query and will solve the issue if it's relevant to Our Product.


Thank You!



Front End:
Admin Panel:
Admin Panel Login: | 1234
User/Seller Panel:
User/Seller Login: | 1234